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The Connecticut Impact Softball Club found it's beginnings in 2020. We were fortunate to have partnered with our parent program the Georgia Impact which was established in 2002 and has since been one of the most prominent softball clubs in the entire country. A frequently asked question is "why Georgia Impact?" Despite their national profile and the obvious geography that separates us, the Georgia Impact Organization has treated us well since our start in 2020 and has quickly began to feel like family in the short span of four years. 

They have been a welcomed source of advice on a number of pertinent topics including but not exclusively, national events. As well as assisting with registration for those events which has helped tremendously with our recruiting.  Additionally we have shared practice time with their top teams and coaching staffs at these events. Recently we been part of their annual "Spring Training" which takes place down in Georgia during early February with all of the respective Impact States represented. In addition we share in the benefit of being under Georgia's umbrella for specific perks such as Easton/Rawlings Top Club, Mizuno, Gluv, and DO Apparel. Our teams are able to be provided with top notch uniforms, bags, helmets, bats and other equipment at discounted prices thanks to their affiliation with those brands. 

All of the above stated information is great, but what I appreciate most is that these are people you can contact and get a swift response. They have built a relationship with us in Connecticut. When partnering with a nationally recognized brand, the first thing detractors have to say is "you're just paying them for their name." While this is true, there are club fees that are built into our player tuition, this is not an organization that needs Connecticut Impact for anything financial. Our closest sister program is in the Carolinas and we take great pride in being their only northeast affiliate for the past four years and presently. The relationship we've built is one of mutual respect and frankly just being good people. We have their trust, and they have ours. That rapport allows us to call down when we may have a player interested in schools in the south and vice versa, they have the ability to contact us if they happen to have a player interested in an education in the northeast. 

Human connection is the basis of any strong relationship. The more people you know in different places, the better your chances are of getting the information you need to be successful. We will not have all the answers for you at the Connecticut Impact, but I can certainly promise we are the type of people who will ask the questions when don't know and we're grateful to be apart of a larger network in the growing sport of softball that often feels like it's own small world at times.

I believe that we put out a quality product because we have quality people from top to bottom. From our coaches to our players to our parents. A commonly used phrase of ours is "it takes a village." Over the last four years we have all worked collectively to find the best educational fit for our players coupled with the game of softball. It's quite simply what we love to do!

Craig Sears - Program Director | Coach
(203) 770-7934


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